Corporate organizations may take the Corporate TB Pledge, pledging to commit to the social cause of fighting against TB. They can fulfill their commitment by committing to one or more of the following:

  1. Recognize the Cause: The organization recognizes TB as a relevant social cause and raises awareness about TB within the organization and their related communities/ partners.
  2. Implement TB Free Workplaces: Integrate activities that prevent TB disease and support people suffering from TB among the workforce as an organization wide policy.
  3. Contribute/ invest in the fight against TB: Depending on the interest of the organization, work along with the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP), to contribute technical expertise, donate CSR resources, adopt/ support TB patients or implement funded projects, and accelerate progress towards TB Elimination.
  4. Champion the cause: Mobilize other corporates to take the Pledge and do their bit in the nation's fight against TB.

The Corporates may take the Pledge by committing to any or all of the aforementioned activities. Based on the commitment, the pledge is categorized into four tiers as follows:

SILVER: Recognize the Cause and generate awareness on TB

GOLD: SILVER + Integrate TB Free Workplace and other related activities for supporting their workforce and related communities

PLATINUM: GOLD+ Contribute/invest in the fight against TB

DIAMOND: PLATINUM+ Champion the Cause of TB

The Role of CTP Secretariat:

The Corporate TB Pledge (CTP) Secretariat's supports Central TB Division, MoHFW to effectively engage with corporate organizations in the country, and advocate with them to take the Corporate TB Pledge(CTP) and define their commitment. Further, the secretariat provides technical guidance and coordinates with the National TB Programme at National, State and District levels to realize or implement the organizations commitment. The secretariat also supports to the National TB Programme to recognize exceptional corporate contributions in the fight against TB. The secretariat is currently implemented through the USAID supported, The Union led iDEFEAT TB Project.

To know more about the CTP secretariat click here.